Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feeling so lousy

When things go wrong, they all go wrong together, causing people to lose all the will.. I'm feeling so lousy that I am once again back to my own world. I realise that it has been easy to get into my world now that no one really cares and contact me anymore.. Maybe i should just stay here and never get back into reality. Life's really hard..

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Friday, May 21, 2010


今天问了妹妹一个问题。 "为什么你对我这么坏,我还对你这么好?"妹妹很生气地挖出所有我对她不好的时候来反驳。我想了想,妹妹为什么会这么自我?问题的重点应该是在"对我好",而不是在"对她坏"吧~

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Sunday, May 09, 2010

