Sunday, May 08, 2011


Happy mother's day to all the gr8 mums!! Esp to my dearest 伟大的妈妈: Your actions are not something any daughter-in-law or wife can do. U r reali gr8 to carry out all e responsibilities. During all these hard times we r going through, do stay strong, healthy & happy. Love u so much!
My dearest 阿嬷: i love u so much tat i cry over & over, seeing u go through these hard times.. Stay strong!

P.S. While we wait for the rainbow after rain~ another bad news to share: juz learnt tat my uncle gt cancer. I m scared. I dun noe how much more r cuming... Dun noe how much more we can tak.. Dun noe how much more we can do. Count e secs, mins, days.. Tats how far we can go.

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